Why should we eat organic fruits and vegetables?

Have you ever thought about eating organic foods? It's seems expensive, huh? Do you know the difference? Well, I'm here to tell you that the difference between organic and traditionally grown foods may not seem like much, but there is a significance that does not meet the eye. Traditionally grown foods will have pesticides sprayed on them which can absorb into the produce. It could be irradiated. The soil that it is grown in may be nutrient deficient. It could be genetically modified(GMO). Also I have recently learned that the farmers can use sludge to fertilize the soil. Sludge is sewer waste...hmmmmm. Makes you wonder why all those people were getting sick eating veggies.
So when you buy organic, you will get nutrient rich, delicious tasting, healthy foods the way God meant for it to be. It might cost a bit more but will be worth it. Your taste buds will tell you and so will your body. We can pay now for healthy foods or pay later with doctors bills. What do you choose?


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