
Two Things You Can do to Lose Weight

There are two things that you can do and you will lose weight. Do nothing else except these two things and you will lose some extra pounds. Just these two things. Ok are you ready to know? Do I have you hanging on the edge of your seat? Remember this website is about little things you can do to improve your health. Easy things. It won't cost you much. What have you got to lose? Except for those extra inches. Ok, I will tell you. One...Don't eat after dark (if it's in the Winter, don't eat after 7 p.m.) Two...Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey. (Two tablespoons of ACV and 2 tablespoons of honey) Do this three times a day before each meal. You want to get the organic kind that you buy in the health food store. Bragg's is the brand you want to get. If you can't do all three meals, just do the best you can. There are so many other health benefits of ACV and honey that even if you didn't have to lose weight it would be a good thing to do anyways....

Learn to Grow Your Veggies with Organic Garden Training

My last post was about "Why should you eat Organic". This post will be about how you can grow your own organic fruits and veggies. Having your own garden will save you a ton of money each year. I can show you how to completely eliminate your fresh food bill by using the Food4Wealth program via by getting the proper Organic Garden Training. Once you learn this you will be picking from your garden every day of the year. With today's economy going the way that it is people are looking for ways to cut their budget(I know I am). This is just one way. I good way. You will learn how to grow a garden without chemicals or pesticides. Therefore increasing the health of you and your family. Go here to find out more .

Why should we eat organic fruits and vegetables?

Have you ever thought about eating organic foods? It's seems expensive, huh? Do you know the difference? Well, I'm here to tell you that the difference between organic and traditionally grown foods may not seem like much, but there is a significance that does not meet the eye. Traditionally grown foods will have pesticides sprayed on them which can absorb into the produce. It could be irradiated. The soil that it is grown in may be nutrient deficient. It could be genetically modified(GMO). Also I have recently learned that the farmers can use sludge to fertilize the soil. Sludge is sewer waste...hmmmmm. Makes you wonder why all those people were getting sick eating veggies. So when you buy organic, you will get nutrient rich, delicious tasting, healthy foods the way God meant for it to be. It might cost a bit more but will be worth it. Your taste buds will tell you and so will your body. We can pay now for healthy foods or pay later with doctors bills. What do you ch...

The Water Cure

Hello Everyone, Long time no talk...I've been really busy with so much going on in my life. The launch of my new home business. You can check it out here. , then my job selling ads for the newspaper, taking care of the family, and then my private studies...Leadership and Internet Marketing. So anyhow, I came across this and wanted to share it with you. Water is so important and most of us aren't getting enough. Then there is the other issue of pure, clean water. Just today, I asked my son to make the coffee with the purified water instead of tap. I drink purified water from the water store all the time and cannot stand the taste of tap when I make coffee, I think, oh it's flavored water it won't make a difference....but oh my gosh, it made such a difference...there is no going back. Just to think I'm drinking organic coffee and poisoning myself with the tap water...yuck. So here it is...Make sure you are getting enou...

Swine Flu Update

Hello Everyone, I hope this reaches you happy and in good health. I came across this article that I would like to share with you regarding the swine flu. What do you think about the swine flu? Are you concerned? What are you going to do to protect your family. Well, in Jon Barron's article he gives you some good tips. Always have extra food and water on hand. Jon Barron's Alternative Health Newsletter Have a Healthy Day, Kristy