"Have you worked out lately?"

Hello and I hope you are all doing well. I hope that this post finds you well and ready for "Thanksgiving" this week. Well, with that being said, you know what they all say about this time of year. How much weight are we supposed to gain this time of year? Is is ten pounds? Well, whatever. Now is a good time of year to get into that exercise program that you know you need to do but don't have the time. Well, I am here to tell you that you do have the time. You just need to make the time for it. Ok, here's the deal. Many years ago I was very disciplined and worked out at a gym and to videos 5 to 7 days a week after I had my son. I had those abs everyone dreamed about and I looked good. Now many years later after having my daughter I'm going to get back into the program. I don't have a lot of time nor at this time do I want to pay for a gym membership. So here's what I do. That video tape I worked out to years ago. Well, I still have it. So on my lunch (I'm lucky cause I live close to work, the benefits of living in a small city) I work out to the 8 minute abs and 8 minute buns. Now tell me you don't have 8 minutes a day for your health. That's all it takes. Just do 8 minutes a day. Once you start feeling your muscles toning up, walking with better posture and more energy....you'll want to do another 8 minutes. That's all it takes every day...believe me, I did it...Do this every day...ok, 5 days a week....and in 6 months you won't believe it....just keep doing it... and then one day you'll look in the mirror or try on those pants and you will be shocked...or atleast that's what happened to me...I was working out every day, day in and day out. I'm like..it's not working...I just kept doing it and then BAM it hits you and your like oh my gosh...it worked..all that hard work paid off...Here's the video if you'd like to get it.

I hope that you all have a "Happy Thanksgiving" and I will talk to you soon.

Have a Healthy Day!


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see you later ;)
Anonymous said…
That's a great blog Kristy! 8 minute workouts are great and take no time at all to complete. Allot of people think you need to work out all day for any results and that's just not true. 8 min's is fine!
Great job on the blog!
C ya
PS Guess I need to get over here more often. LOL

James Anderson
Mentor and Power Group Member
Admin said…
Hi James,
Thanks for coming to my blog.

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