
Showing posts from October, 2010

Healthy Living With Natural Supplements: Natural Supplements - What are They?

Healthy Living With Natural Supplements: Natural Supplements - What are They?

"Most of Us are Not Eating Enough Veggies".

I would like you to stop and take a serious look at what you are eating. Take a conscious effort and think about this for a few minutes. How many fruits and veggies are you consuming daily? Do you think you are eating enough? Most people aren't and if you seriously care about your health you will do the steps necessary to make positive changes in your diet. Ideally, we should all be eating over 50% veggies (organic or locally grown if possible). I know this can be hard. Even for me and I'm a health nut. We are what we eat and most sickness and disease stems from our diet. So it is very important to take a serious look at what you are eating and make some changes if necessary. Try adding more veggies to your diet each day. Every little bit counts. You could add veggies or fruits to your breakfast. Oranges, strawberries, bananas, etc... How about veggies to your eggs. onion, mushrooms, red and green pepper, salsa, spinach, tomatoes, etc... Have a sala...