Why Should I Care About My Health
Now a days we tend to get so busy with life that sometime we forget to take care of our health. The days go by and then one day we notice that something is not right. It could be a headache, it could be feeling fatigue, it could be an ache or pain. Our bodies talk to us and we really need to listen....So you say, Why should I take care of my health?
From my studies over the years I have come to realize that most sickness and disease can be traced back to a nutrient deficiency. That's why I focus on what I am putting into my body. Most of the foods readily available these days are lacking nutrition and now the concern of GMO foods, which are not good for us.
Why should I take care of my health?
You can start taking care of your health by doing these few things below. If you are feeling really bad I would recommend that you do some sort of a detox to cleanse the bad stuff out of your body.
1. Drink lots of fresh clean water...filter if you have to and most of us should.

Why should I take care of my health?
Where do you want your money to go?
To eating healthy or to doctors bills down the road.
3. Get sufficient amounts of fiber. Most people today are not getting enough fiber in their diets. You will get it by eating your fruits and vegetables. Beans are very high in fiber and a good source of protein as well.
4. Are you getting enough sunshine. Nothing can replace the real thing and we all need it. It's good for our bones and also triggers Serotonin in our brains which trigger Melatonin. Serotonin triggers the happy feeling during the daytime and melatonin will help you with your sleep. Have you ever noticed when you've been out in the sun that you sleep really good that night.
5. Are you getting enough exercise? We all need it. Even if you are just walking, at least you are doing something. To rest is to rust...
6. Are you getting sufficient rest at night? Listen to your body. It will tell you how much it needs. It's best to be sleeping between 10 pm to 2 pm. That's when your healing hormones are really working.
7. Are you taking a good multi-vitamin? You want to take a whole food supplement with lots of nutrition. I do not trust the RDA levels. If everyone lived by that standard they'd all be sick. You need way more than the RDA levels. Just make sure not too much iron, A and E. These build up in the bodies and can be toxic. Vitamin C and B's are water soluble and if you have too much they'll just run right through you.
So you say....Why should I care about my health? Well if you don't take care of it now,
then you will be paying for it later.